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│ Rock 'N' Roll Trivial Matters │
│ │
│ Shareware Version │
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Software Creations, Inc.
P.O. Box 395
Big Bend, Wisconsin 53103
Copyright (C)1990-92 by Software Creations, Inc. All rights
reserved. Software Creations, Inc. reserves the right to
revise this publication without obligation to notify any
person of such changes.
Portions (C)Copyright 1984 Philip A. Mongelluzzo, Waterbury,
Connecticut. All rights reserved.
Software Creations, Inc.
Shareware Program License Agreement
You may freely copy and distribute this Shareware Version of
Rock 'N' Roll Trivial Matters as long as the following files
are kept intact and unaltered:
Getting Started
Before going any further, you should make a working copy from
the Trivial Matters program diskette. Follow the procedure
below that matches your system configuration -- either a hard
disk system or a floppy disk system.
Hard Disk Systems
To install Trivial Matters on a hard disk, first create a
subdirectory called \TRIVA by typing in the following command
at the DOS prompt:
Then, insert the Trivial Matters diskette into drive A:, and
use the following command to copy all of the necessary files
to your hard disk.
After all of these files have been copied, your hard disk
installation is complete, and you are ready to start the
program. Be sure to store the original Trivial Matters
program diskette in a safe place as an archival backup.
(Note: If your hard disk is not designated as C:, you should
substitute the appropriate letter in place of the "C" in the
previous two comands.)
Floppy Disk Systems
To make a working copy of the Trivial Matters diskette on a
floppy disk system, insert the diskette into drive A: and
type the following command at the DOS prompt:
Replace the Trivial Matters diskette with a blank diskette
when the DISKCOPY program asks you to insert the target
diskette. When the diskcopy is complete, put the original
Trivial Matters diskette in a safe place as an archival
backup. Use the copy that you just created to run the
Trivial Matters program.
Starting the Program
To start the program, change to the drive and directory
containing the program files by using the DOS CHDIR command,
then type in:
When Trivial Matters is started a title screen is displayed
and then you will be asked for the number of players for
the game. Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 and hit ENTER. You will then
be prompted to enter each players' name. (Note: Use the
same spelling of your name each time you play Trivial Matters
in order to keep an accurate history file of your scores.)
After all of the players' names have been entered, the
program will check your system for a Microsoft-compatible
mouse. If a mouse is found the program will then ask if you
would like to use it to play the game. Enter Y or N. You
will then be asked whether or not you would like to play with
the sound on or not. Enter Y or N to this question.
Object Of The Game
The object of the game is to be the player that scores the
most points. Points are earned by answering trivia questions
that appear on the screen. Each correct answer is worth from
1 to 100 points, determined by the amount of time that it
took to answer the question.
The Screen Layout
There are seven important areas of the screen layout. Each
of these areas is explained in the following paragraphs.
1. On the far left side of the screen is the Counter. The
Counter ticks off the time allowed to answer each
question. The number of points awarded for a correct
answer is determined by the amount of time left on the
2. The upper central area of the screen is the message box.
Messages displayed in this box control the flow of the
3. Below the message box is the Answers window. The
possible answers to each question appear in this area
during every turn.
4. Underneath the Answers window is the Questions window.
This area is where the questions to be answered are
5. The central area near the bottom of the screen is called
the Players box. Each players' name is listed here, as
well as their scores and stars.
6. The rightmost part of the screen makes up the Spinner.
The Spinner determines which of the six categories will
be used for questions on each turn.
7. The right side of the bottom line of the screen is used
to display special keys when they are applicable.
Taking A Turn
Each player will be instructed in the message box when it is
his or her turn. Every turn begins by pressing any key (or
by clicking the left mouse button if you chose to use the
mouse when the game started) which will start the Spinner.
Then, pressing any key or the left mouse button will stop the
Spinner. The category on which the Spinner stops, will be
used for the next question. After a category is selected by
the Spinner, four possible answers are displayed in the
Answers window. Then, after a short pause, the question is
displayed in the Questions window and the Counter begins
counting down from 100. You will have until the Counter
reaches 0 to answer the question. To answer the question,
simply press the letter (A, B, C, or D) which corresponds
with the answer that you would like to choose.
If the wrong answer is chosen, a message stating so will be
displayed in the message box. If you wish to see it,
pressing F1 at this point will display the correct answer.
It will then be the next player's turn.
If the question is answered correctly, the number of points
awarded is displayed in the message box while the player's
score is added to in the Players box. Also, if this was the
first question correctly answered in the current category by
this player, a star is awarded for that category in
the Players box. A player will get another turn after each
correctly answered question.
Ending The Game
The game ends when any player answers a question correctly in
each of the categories, and thus receives all six stars. The
winner of the game, however, is determined by total points,
and this is not necessarily the person who first gets all six
stars. Therefore, it is sometimes good strategy to
intentionally answer a question incorrectly -- providing that
it would have given you a sixth star, and you would not have
been leading in points.
If you wish to exit the game early, you may do so by pressing
F3 at the start of any players' turn.
At the end of the game a screen is displayed showing the
winner's name while a little tune is played. Hitting
any key will exit this screen early. Then the top ten All-
Time Trivial Matters Champions will be displayed. Ranking is
based on total points scored. Also displayed are the total
number of questions attempted, the number answered correctly,
and the percent answered correctly for each of the top ten
players. Hitting any key at this screen also will exit
Further Help
If you have a problem or question regarding the operation of
a Trivial Matters program, contact Software Creations, Inc.
at the address listed at the beginning of this document. Be
sure to include a detailed description of your situation,
including the problem you are experiencing and the brand and
model of computer equipment you are using. Also, remember to
include your address and daytime telephone number so that we
may contact you to help solve the problem.
Registering The Program
This shareware version of Rock 'N' Roll Trivial Matters
contains 504 questions. If you enjoy using this program, you
should consider registering it with its author. Registered
users will receive a 1500-question version of this program
complete with a printed manual from Software Creations, Inc.
The registration fee for this program is $19.50. Please
print the file ORDER.DOC for ordering details.
Trivia Game Toolkit
If you are interested in creating your own trivia games,
Software Creations, Inc. has the program for you. Our Trivia
Game Toolkit allows users to develop their very own
customized trivia game programs. Refer to the file
TOOLKIT.DOC for more information.